• date_rangePosted On :   Jan 28' 2007
  • location_cityCity :   Florida
  • languageCountry :   USA
  • content_pasteEnquiry No. :   7012829

We are looking for a talking / recorder electronic device
loaded with prerecorded messages. We will supply 500
prerecorded messages that will need to be copied to the IC
chip. Each message will be between 10 and 20 seconds long.
The 500 prerecorded messages with will subdivided into 3
1) Categorie1
2) Categorie2
3) Categorie3.
Categorie1 will have 210 prerecorded messages,
Categorie2 will have 210 prerecorded message,
Categorie3 will have 80 messages.
In addition, the unit should have a record and playback
feature. This will allow the user to listen to a sentence, and
record himself saying the sentence. The user should also be
able to playback so that he can listen to himself. Two other
features needed on this device is a Random button which when
selected it chooses randomly a sentence from Category 1,
Category 2, or Category 3. And a "Repeat" button which
when selected the unit repeat the last sentence. So, on the
talking device, there should be 7 buttons: 1) Categorie1 2)
Categorie2 3) Categorie3 4) Random 5) Repeat 6) Record 7)
Playback We are open to suggestion on the actual physical
appearance of the unit. Please let us know if this is something
you can manufacture.

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