We want to buy original Branded sport shoes and casual
athletics on overstock, surplus, liquidation, we need to have
size scales, inventory list, colors, pictures and inspection
of the goods its a must be to make any business. We buy
complete containers on new shoes or returned shoes all
separate not mix. We need brands like Nike, Addidas, Diesel,
Puma prices must not exceed from $9- $15 FOB Men Shoes,
with papers better Overstock Shoes on replicas we
also accept but at much lower prices top 95% as originals
quality $7- $9, medium high quality $7- $6 medium quality
$5- $4 medium low $3- $2 and low quality $2- $1 Men Shoes
We also accept original shoes from factories from branded
shoes not for cold weather as our region is tropical. With
paper work better. Our payment form is 75% L/C and 25% balance
35 days after shipped 20 days after shipped
date_range Nov 05' 2024/ Germany
date_range Sep 13' 2024/ Malaysia
date_range Sep 02' 2024/ Norway
date_range May 02' 2024/ Israel