• date_rangePosted On :   Jan 13' 2007
  • location_cityCity :   Berlin
  • languageCountry :   Germany
  • content_pasteEnquiry No. :   7011364

We are trading with art and furniture originally and will now
open at the first of May a sophisticated Restaurant in a
European style and a terrific beer garden, located directly on
the water which should be decorated in Asian style and the
vision word is Pirates of the Caribbean.

I am very interested to learn more about your products and
possibilities for shipping, if you could give me special
prices. To decorate the garden and buying more for selling it
on the property. I would need for the first shipping:
500 Folding Chairs, or additional, similar styled chairs
100 Tables
12 Lounge Equipment Furniture, something like daybeds with
tent, roof etc.
36 Indoor customized benches
12 Indoor tables
1 Grill house
1 DJ Stand
1 Outdoor House, Summer as bar, winter for Plants around 25
square feet
Several other customized benches, bars etc.
We are also interested in chairs and tables made of synthetic
rattan. The list of what we need is the minimum and after
having more exact plans and drawings and can tell you more.
The amount for the trading goods is not included and depends
on style and price how much I am going to order. I am going to
travel on the 4th of February 07 to Bangkok and will be 5 days
later in Bali, where I will have my head office for 5 weeks.
Being in Asia I can come any time to your office personally.

As I mentioned, the opening of my new project is on the first
of May. The furniture has to be in Berlin minimum at the 15th
of April. Therefore there is not so much time, because the
shipping needs time. I would appreciate working with you
together and it would be very helpful to get product and price
information. If you could please also sent me a list about how
many pieces fit in the required container.

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