These pieces we can pay 1, 000, 000 tonns
Welded wire mesh panels, material is welded mild steel
3mmx1x1x1220x2440x13. 4kg / sheet FOB USD 5. 00 / sheet
3. 25mmx1-1 / 4x1-1 / 4x1220x2440x12. 98kg / sheet FOB
5. 00 / sheet
3. 25mmx1-1 / 2x1-1 / 2x1220x2440x10. 48kg / sheet FOB
USD 4. 00 / sheet
4. 75mmx1-1 / 2x1-1 / 2x1220x2440x22. 39kg / sheet FOB
USD 9. 00 / sheet
3. 25mmx2x2x1220x2440x7. 86kg / sheet FOB USD 3. 00 / sheet
4. 75mmx2x2x1220x2440x16. 8kgs / sheet FOB USD 7. 00 / sheet
Welded wire mesh panels, materials with woven mild steel
Specification: 3. 25mmx1x1x1220x2440x12kg / sheet FOB USD
6. 00 / sheet
Welded wire mesh panels with material welded SS304
Specification: 6. 25mmx2x2x1220x2440x29. 07kg / sheet FOB
USD 130. 00 / sheet
Welded wire mesh panels with welded SS316 Specification: 4. 75mmx2x2x2x1220x2440x16kg / sheet FOB USD 114. 00 / sheet
Best Price we can pay FOB USD 100. 00pmt used rail scraps
Beset Price to pay FOB USD 195-200. 00pmt to buy 1, 000, 000
tons reinforced steel bar, rabars, reinfor bar, deformcing
steel, deformed bar steel, steel plates, round bar 2% from
seller bank to our bank first before we open transfer L/ C if
we not receiving the good and document from seller, and if
seller changing the Price our bank send that 2% to our account
If we receiving the good and document from seller after
transfer L/ C at sight
If seller not changing the Price our bank send 2% back to
seller account
We de not dealing with CNF/ CIF
We dealing FOB only
If any interest please send to us
date_range Feb 22' 2025/ USA
date_range Dec 26' 2024/ Spain
date_range Dec 11' 2024/ UAE
date_range Jul 22' 2024/ India