300, 000 x DVD Cases Plastic but empty inside-in the centre
there is no section to hold a DVD. Our UK client has a booklet
already produced in UK which we will insert into the DVD case
here in the UK.
We are buying an empty DVD case with no plastic fittings-just
base & lid fitted together. Clear plastic or tinted plastic.
DVD case-no print needed. Timing is the real issue
We must have them shipped by air freight to London no later
than 20th Jan and therefore in the UK 21st Jan . No later
If you cannot guarantee this timing please forget the enquiry
Costs CIF please
date_range Feb 20' 2025/ Qatar
date_range Feb 18' 2025/ Qatar
date_range Feb 07' 2025/ Hong Kong
date_range Feb 06' 2025/ Sri Lanka