We are a marketing and advertising company also providing replica trophy hire for all occasions.
We are planning to buy battery operated and wall hangable acrylic lights boxes in various styles or advertising. Looking for prices lower than 13.50GBP each. Now we will buy 50 light boxers and later on more.
Suppliers can contact us with CIF offers and photos.
Price Terms : CIF
Payment Terms : Bank Transfer
Min.Order Qty : About 50 Light Boxes
Destination Port : UK
date_range Jun 14' 2024/ UK
We are experts in producing any type of signage from architectural exterior signage to interior office signage. Now we are ready to buy Led light boxes in W 7000x H...date_range Apr 22' 2024/ Sweden
We specialize in film production, professional photography, innovative web design and dynamic digital marketing, with a strong presence in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo. For detailed information please see our website....date_range Nov 16' 2023/ UAE
We are UAE based furniture and home decor prop company we also offer event packages. To know more about us please see our website. We would like to buy red...date_range Nov 13' 2023/ Germany
We would like to buy room and garden sign boards in various designs, prints and sizes. For 60 years we have been specialized in distribution of exclusive gift items, decorative...