We would like to buy handbags, clutch bags and slings in various colors in bulk.
Our company has been in the footwear and accessories industry since 1983. To see our product range please see our website.
Please contact us with updated catalog.
Price Terms : FOB
Payment Terms : L/C
Destination Port : Greece
date_range Nov 26' 2024/ Japan
We are interested in buying handbags, clutches and tote bags in various sizes in bulk. Since our founding in 1893, we have continued to grow as a textile trading company...date_range Oct 18' 2024/ Qatar
Established in 1980, we are a family run business that has pioneered the design, manufacture and retailing of unique and quality ladies footwear and accessories. Please have a look at...date_range Oct 08' 2024/ Germany
We are ready to buy leather and cotton printed bags in the latest designs in various sizes in bulk. Our company was founded in 2000. We trade in all kinds...date_range Sep 16' 2024/ Denmark
We are ready to buy goat leather bags and cow leather backpacks for men and women . We are a Danish family owned company. We are into Leather and fur garments...