Our company specialize in FIBC (big bags), cardboard, jute, net bags and WPP packaging for virtually every industry. Please see our website.
We are looking to import white jute bags and paper bags in all sizes in bulk. Companies that are interested may contact us for business with prices, delivery details etc.
Pricing Terms: CIF/FOB
Payment Terms: L/C
Min. Order Qty: Bulk
Destination Port : Netherlands
date_range Nov 27' 2024/ Saudi Arabia
We started our operation in 2010 by setting up a cutting tools industrial equipment company. We are in supply of CNC machine tools, jigs & fixtures. We are ready to buy...date_range Nov 26' 2024/ Turkey
We are grocery wholesalers based in Turkey We need to buy jute bags to store 50 Kg wheat per bag in bulk. Please provide details of your product and your...date_range Nov 20' 2024/ Bangladesh
We are a Bangladesh based company and we deal in textile products. We are ready to buy jute gunny bags in various sizes in bulk. If you are in a...date_range Sep 25' 2024/ Jordan
We are a trading company from Jordan. I heard about your company and I would like to communicate with you. Do you have jumbo bags with the following specifications: 1-...