156651 to 156660 of 161248
Costume Jewelry and Cosmetics

date_rangeAug 04' 2004 /  (Singapore)

We are designers of costume jewelries and would like to manufacture them in your country due to cost effectiveness and export them to other destinations. There are time that we would like to buy from the manufacturers exist in design...
Steel Pipes

date_rangeAug 04' 2004 /  (Singapore)

Our company is urgently looking for steel pipes for our water works project in Vietnam. Exporters/Manufacturers please contact us directly with complete specs and prices.
Lorry Mounted Cranes

date_rangeAug 04' 2004 /  (Russia)

We are Russian branch of international elevator manufacturer. We are looking for lorry-mounted cranes with elevating capacity: 4-5 MT, Lorry body?s length: 4-5 m.
Plywood Boards

date_rangeAug 04' 2004 /  (Japan)

We are looking for supplier of superior quality plywood boards made of min. 5 ply finish birch or equal. Please contact us asap with your product spec and prices Please contact by email Regards
Beauty Salon Articles

date_rangeAug 04' 2004 /  (Dominican Republic)

Our company has experience with importing products from china and EE.UU. Now we are interested in contact one supplier who can offer good prices for Beauty Salon Articles: Brushes, Combs, Scissors, hair dryer and articles of nails. If you...
Scrap or Dead Caterpillar Earth Moving Machine

date_rangeAug 04' 2004 /  (USA)

Looking for 1970-1990 Dead or alive Caterpillar Earth Moving Machines. (Loader, Scavatores, Lift trucks....) Please Only owners Respond. Thank you
Truck Cranes

date_rangeAug 04' 2004 /  (USA)

We are looking for 1980 through 1994(25 to 100 Tone) Tadona or Cato truck Crane in working condition. Minor problems OK for Export. Full Spec of the Crane can be posted. Payment can be arranged in Euro or $ in...
Wanted-Toluene, IPA, Normal Butanol, Mix Xylene, and other Solvents

date_rangeAug 03' 2004 /  (India)

Dear Sir We are engaged in business field like chemical trading . We are interested in importing specified chemical solvents only..like Toluene, Acetone, Normal Butanol, Iso Propile Alcohol, Ethile Acetate, Methanol, Mix Xylene, Butile Acetate, MIBK, MEK etc. If you...
Wanted –Rechargeable Batteries

date_rangeAug 03' 2004 /  (India)

We require Rechargeable Batteries 12 Volts/7.5 Ampere ? 20 Ampere Quantity as many as 50000 batteries
Towels and Shop Rags from India

date_rangeAug 03' 2004 /  (USA)

Need 32 OZ. Bar towels, shop towel, quantities--50,000 of Each.....must have sample of each before purchasing