155081 to 155090 of 161248
Lead Free Re Flow Furnace and Soldering System

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Hong Kong)

We are looking for suppliers of Lead Free Reflow Furnace and Soldering System. Interested manufacturers are kindly requested to send price and product information by email
Chafing Dish Fuel from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Saudi Arabia)

Sub: Chafing Dish Fuel Please let us have your offers for Chafing Dish Fuel Liquid [Wick Type] f about 6 hours, 4 hours burning time and Jell type of about 2.5 hours burning time, including full range of your...
Beedi Leaves from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Sri Lanka)

We are interested import beedi leaf from your country Pls contact at your earliest to our mail. We are one of the leading importers in food item in Sri Lanka If you can supply please send us your best price....
Forged Body for Valves from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Iran)

Dear Sirs We are looking for 40 qty forged body for valve We have an order for gate valve 7"1/16 and we need your e-mail address to send you the inquiry. We are waiting for your reply.
Welding Copper Wires from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Ethiopia)

We Deal with importing construction materials We request for quotation for welding copper wire Please let us know the full details of the products and prices beside the specifications We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Steel Balls from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Spain)

We are looking to import steel balls from you Characteristic and prices of steel balls. Aprox. quantities of 2M-4M / year Please feel free to send us your quotation. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards,
Coconut Shell Crafts from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Dominican Republic)

I am interested in products made of coconut shell, such as decorative plates, photo frames, boxes, etc.. I would like to know if you manufacture those, and if you do please send me a price list of your products. Thank...
Ball Bearings from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Spain)

We are looking to import ball bearing Please send Characteristics and prices for your ball bearings. aprox. Quantities of 2M-4M / year. Please feel free to send us your quotation. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards,
Transformers and Conductors from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Zimbabwe)

We are looking for 25kva transformers,50mm hda conductor We have an enquiry for the above . Please let us know who can do so we can send full details. Regards
Dry Milk and Whey Powder from India

date_rangeSep 30' 2004 /  (Pakistan)

1fcl Skimmed Milk (Butter FAT 27 -29 %/ Vegetable Fat 27-29%) Also quote for :- 1fcl of Whey Powder.29%)) We are one of the leading importers and very Ist time intend to import from India. Therefore, introductory prices are request....