• date_rangePosted On :   Dec 30' 2005
  • location_cityCity :   
  • languageCountry :   Hong Kong
  • content_pasteEnquiry No. :   5123060

We are seeking manufacturer/supplier for following:
Article: Elastic mesh tape

This is for stretch fur tape, detachable elastic fur trimming,
details of which is uploaded on following page
Kindly send the photos and indicate the quantity
and time frame. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Decorative Garment Accessories

date_range Apr 10' 2024/  Singapore

Our company was established in 1970. We deal in clothing, footwear, fur, leather goods and fashion accessories. We manufacture and distribute some of the more popular and famous brands in...
Embroidered Patches for Garments

date_range Mar 06' 2024/  Japan

We need to buy embroidered patches in various designs for garments. We are a Japan based company established in 1975. We offer retail sale of sewing supplies, fabrics, patterns, yarn...
Sewing Accessories

date_range Feb 23' 2024/  Japan

We are a Japan based company established in 1975. We offer retail sale of sewing supplies, fabrics, patterns, yarn and other needlework accessories. Please see our website. We would prefer...
Embroidered Panels for Garments

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We are an international company in the fashion and luxury industry and are active in the creation, production and distribution of a wide range of products including pret-a-porter,...